name is Danish, but I live in the U.S. of A., so that means that no one ever
gets my name right! I had a theater teacher in high school, who after hearing
me pronounce my name, said, “So, you’re bent-er than most!” It was
pretty funny, but she wasn’t the last person to say that so that’s why it’s the
name of the blog.
Growing up I used to wish my name was something glamorous
like “Victoria”, and as an adult I seriously consider going by another name if
only in public places, and especially at doctor’s offices, and my kids’
schools, and any first-time meetings, and definitely on emails to people I
don’t know well. Hence the phonetic pronunciation guide version (which BTW gets
written on those “Hi, My Name Is (Bente – ben-tuh)” name-tags)
alas, Bente is my name. It suits me. Fits me like a nice worn-in pair of comfy
slip-on shoes (the go-to ones you use for car pool and a quick run to the
store, or to go out to the mail box). So I can’t bring myself to change it, or
even pretend that I’m anything other than just Bente. I am a Wife and Mom and a
Mormon and I have MS. This is my attempt at “that thing called…”… blogging. You
get points if you catch my movie quotes!
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